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SAR GMA/M (rebuild)

Disassembly and cleaning

Trial disassembly of the front unit

To get an impression on how much effort it was going to take to disassemble the loco, I cut the wires of the front unit and started taking it apart. This was meant to answer two questions:

  • What glue is used and how difficult is it to unglue it and clean it up?
  • Can I motorise the front unit?

Taking off the leading bogie. Easy.

Then separating the superstructure from the frames. This takes two nuts to undo but again not really a problem.

The loose parts were carefully stored in bags and correspondingly labelled.

Now to the superstructure: will it "unloosen"? (thanks Joe!)

A bath in thinner to remove the paint and then in acetone to try if the bond of the glue would budge.

After an hour

After a night

So yes, this loco was built with superglue, which I already suspected. Inexperienced builders nearly always use superglue. That is good news as superglue dissolves in acetone and this makes disassembly much easier. The bad news was that the paint could not be removed completely with thinner. A patchy remainder stubbornly clung to the white metal as you can clearly see in the pictures above.


So I went to work with a blunted knife blade and a glass fibre pencil to get the remainder off.

This proved to be extremely tedious. It also removed metal, something the rather smooth tank surface could do with but which I want to avoid where any kind of riveted detail can be found. So I quickly reverted to braking fluid which did a better though not perfect job on the footplate and pilot. Once I get to stripping the rear bunker I will try paint stripper. I will get back to the results later in the project.

The by and large clean parts of the front units superstructure.

The frames in detail

Quote from self:


If a builder does not trust himself to solder the frames,

I do not trust him to build the frames square and true.


On a closer inspection of the frames I was proven right


Seen from the right hand side, the frame plates obviously do not line up

On the left hand side the same issue is evident. Moreover the cylinder has a clear forward slope.

Seen from the front nothing seems straight.

  • The frame plates are not parallel and square in the vertical plane.
  • The frame spacer slants and is not even solidly attached to the left frame plate (right hand side for the viewers).
  • The cylinders are drooping and on different heights
During the disassembly I found evidence that the loco has suffered a big bump: the front coupler was all folded together. So maybe this damage does not originate from the builder's ability to build this loco square and true. But then again it does not matter too much for me. Either way I have to take the frames apart and rebuild the entire loco.

A few concluding remarks

  • A full disassembly and complete rebuild of this loco is inevitable.
  • Disassembly proved to be relatively easy.
  • Cleaning all components was the majority of the job. I spent a good two hours cleaning. I intermittently changed to other jobs. had a bit of music on the background, even a bible lecture at some point and that made the job bearable even to the point of enjoyable when I realised what potential for beauty this grubby kit has..
  • I could not get the knobs off the hand rails. I may have to replace them. Not really a problem as have a lot in stock.
  • The original head lights are not there so I may have acquire them from DJH (if they still do any spares) or make them myself.
  • The bank with resistors was in the body of the tank and the leads went to the light bulb. I will keep them, they may come in handy at some point in time.
I could now progress with planning the powering of the front unit.